
As a child I was the artist of the family. You know, the one who wrote on walls and cut the bed sheets into paper dolls. A maker of "things" and a lover of nature.

A major loss in my life was the impetus I needed to get out into the world of nature and to consider those things I enjoyed as a child. I was hoping to do something that could make a difference, as well as bring out the artist in me. I'd toyed with photography as art and thought perhaps capturing intriguing images of a particular subject would be a way to spread the word.

Along came "Return to Freedom", a wild horse sanctuary near my home town introduced to me by a good friend. One visit with my camera and I was hooked. These beautiful wild horses that had once roamed this great nation had been rounded up and captured, but were offered refuge in a few hundred acres near my home town. They behave very much as they did when on the range, although their territory is more limited. Since meeting them equine photography has become my focus.

Of course living on a rural area on the coast of California offers many other opportunities for nature photography. Nearby dunes and rolling hills filled with several species of birds, and wildlife are captured when possible (behind the lens of course); and a simple sunset can be the most magnificent sight.

Feel free to take a look, and if you're interested in purchasing photos send me an email with the name and size you are interested in. You never know. I might have something that will work for you.

Thank you for dropping in.

Irene Vejar @ Irene Vejar Photography

Contact: vejarirene0@gmail.com

A new friend